Monday 26 December 2011


There comes a time in your life when you just can't say anything,
dats Emptiness...

That time where there are simply no feelings in your heart, neither hatred nor love,
dats Emptiness...

Everything you say or do has a touch of superficiality to it,
dats Emptiness...

No matter how hard you try, your heart just can't conjure any kind of feelings neither love, happiness nor hatred, sympathy, anger or even sorrow,
dats Emptiness...

When you are in the present moment totally, but you just cont connect with it,
dats Emptiness...

When you are just a witness to all the happenings around you, within you.. you are not emotionally connected with it anymore,
dats Emptiness...

When you are simply devoid of any feelings,
dats Emptiness...

When everything seems pointless,,
dats Emptiness...

When faking that you are happy is no longer difficult because there is no other feeling like sadness to contradict it,
DATS Emptiness...

As Rohan Rathore sings in the song,

"There is a better place than this Emptiness....."


  1. Too good :) :) sometimes we can't help but feel numb and empty from within ;( it can be both good and bad. Good because we won't feel the hurt anymore and bad because we are missing out on happiness :)
